When researching a name for my practice, I found that “September” asks us to notice the goodness within our souls, to emerge from our heads and do what is best for our hearts. To care for and nurture ourselves. To provide the comfort we need to able to go out in the world and care for others.
The month of September hosts the Autumnal equinox, a day when the hours of light and dark are the same. This time represents a shift in the seasons, and has long been interpreted to mean a time where the energy of the Sun and Moon are in complete balance.
September is also the time of year that ushers in the fall season and teaches us how beautiful it is to let things go.
Enabling self reflection and tuning into the world around us, restoring balance, letting go and ushering in love and healing. This is the core meaning of September – Now there’s something to strive for and to watch in awe as it unfolds.
A compelling “extra” is that it’s a month of transitioning back to school and the name of my favorite Earth Wind and Fire song!
It all just made sense.